💫Avantis XP
A novel loyalty program for our most valuable traders and LPs.
Experience Points (XP): Liquidity and Trading
Check your experience points here.
Avantis experience points are offchain representations of a user's onchain actions. Avantis XP measures and track onchain activity, loyalty and accrue to a user in real time. These are non-tradeable and non-transferable, and simply represent a user's activity on the Avantis protocol.
There are two types of Avantis experience points - liquidity and trading points. At a high level:
Liquidity XP: Long term LPs stack the most liquidity points (i.e depositing for the long-term, locking, and completing your lock provides bonuses). E.g, one dollar invested as an LP gives 1 point a day. But a 180 day lock gives you 5 points a day (4x additional boost!).
Note - lock boosts only apply to the locked amount, and are only awarded once an LP finishes their lock. For example - if an LP locks 2500 USDC for 180 days, they get 4x XP boost on 2500 USDC at the end of the lock. Additionally, once the lock expires, they will revert back to the regular (1x) points, unless they choose to re-lock their stake.
Trading XP: Trading XP is the sum of volume XP and Liquidity XP
Volume XP: All trades accrues volume XP. Volume XP accrues based on a traders' volumes.
Referral XP: Get 10% of a referred traders' volume XP.
Note - Trading XP and Liquidity XP are not fungible (i.e - they're not the same!)
Legal disclaimer: Avantis experience points have no monetary value, and do not represent a claim on the protocol's revenues or any token offering / equity. Please do not engage in accumulating Avantis XP with any expectation of financial utility - they cannot be traded or exchanged.
Last updated